Basic data

Company name ZVIJEZDA plus društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge (ZVJEZDA plus limited liability company for production, trade and services)
Abbreviated company name ZVIJEZDA plus d.o.o.
Registered office and address Ulica Marijana Čavića 1
Main activity Production of fats and oils
Legal form d.o.o. (limited liability company) according to the Companies Act
Chairman of the Board Tomislav Alagušić
Member of the Management Board Karmen Rosan
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Fabris Peruško
Personal identification number (OIB) 63603498763
Identification number (MB) 4938798
Identification number of the operator (MBS) 081180571
Competent register Court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb
Bank Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Jadranski trg 3 a, 51000 RIJEKA
IBAN HR1524020061100912607
Notice for consumers, the public and other interested persons